Workaway around the world
Hi there, I am having a break again to enjoy the last part of my life !
Don’t get anxious I am only 58 and I want some left dreams to turn true. I have been a happy workawayer for the last years and I want to keep on using my skills and offer them back to the world. Sounds pretentious. Oops !
People say I am full of energy and I always see the bright side of life. That’s true as long as I can discover and learn. Otherwise I get bored.
I am the very happy mother of a young man of 25 Milan !
I love nature and have wonderful gardens (my opinion;)).
I like extremes AND nuances. The desert AND huge cities like Tokyo, Mumbai or Mexico City. Extreme cold and heat. Black and white. This is how I am, I’m afraid.
I do appreciate humor and intelligence.
I am also a contemporary performer and am keen on contemporary dance.
I do speak several languages and like to teach and coach. Was I having a break ?
I am looking forward to meet you and you and you.
Oh, just one thing you might want to know. The name of the company I have created 38 years ago is ZIN which means (it’s Dutch) : the sentence, the meaning, the envy, the direction, the wish, the desire, the pleasure, the appeal, the significance, the plan, the intention. See what I mean ?
Needless to say I am also a backpacker and have traveled alone a lot in many countries but also with my favorite travel companion : my son ! And here again : I love all kinds of accommodation and lifestyles.