
  • Texts,  Trips and countries

    India, een grootmacht met soms griezelige groeipijnen (De Standaard – 25/11/2023)

    English translation below Women stroll in Kodaikanal, in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. — © getty De grootste bevolking, de grootste groei: India lijkt klaar voor een grote sprong voorwaarts. Zo beloftevol als de economische toekomst lijkt, zo duister zijn de politieke en maatschappelijke demonen waarmee de ontluikende wereldmacht nog altijd worstelt.  Nico Tanghe Wie grote steden bezoekt zoals Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Ghandinagar en Bangalore, merkt het meteen: India richt zich economisch volop naar het Westen. Trager dan buurland China, maar toch. Nu de geopolitieke omstandigheden China veel minder aantrekkelijk maken als goedkoop productieland, openen westerse bedrijven massaal nieuwe fabrieken in India. Premier Narendra Modi, een diplomatiek evenwichtskunstenaar, speelt…

  • Texts,  Trips and countries

    WORDT INDIA HET NIEUWE CHINA? ( De Standaard – 26 Jan. 24)

    English version below https://www.standaard.be Beste lezer, India stak China in april voorbij als land met de grootste bevolking ter wereld. Het land wordt steeds meer een alternatieve fabriek voor de wereld en is een gegeerde partner van westerse bedrijven. Toch ligt het gevoelig dat managers uit lagere kastes leiding geven aan teams van hogere kastes. En hoewel India ook de grootste democratie ter wereld is, werd enkele maanden geleden een Indiase separatist vermoord. Ondanks het groeiende belang van India voor het Westen, kennen we de Indiase cultuur amper en reizen we er zelden naartoe. Voor deze reeks spraken we onder meer met critici van het regime-Modi en trokken we naar Mumbai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad en Pune, maar ook naar…

  • Texts,  Uncategorized

    Never Mind The Bollocks (Kathy – On the train – Jan. 24)

    English version below Attention, sujet potentiellement sensible. Bien que le thème soit international, l’attitude de nombreux hommes en Inde a inspiré ce texte. Dans un pays où dans les plupart des états, la femme subit des injonctions permanentes sur ce qu’elle doit porter et comment elle doit se comporter, le manque fréquent d’éducation / de conscience / de respect de la gente masculine continue de me surprendre. Je me pose une question que tu t’es certainement déjà posée.  Pourquoi les hommes se grattent les parties intimes n’importe où? Si tu cherches sur Google, les réponses sont nombreuses. Je t’invite à faire de même si le sujet t’intéresse. Je vise ici…

  • Texts,  Trips and countries

    Thiruvananthapuram – Vanross Junction + Arcade (Kathy – Chavakkad – Jan. 24)

    Version en français plus bas The Indian Coffee House at Vanross Junction stands out as the most unique of them all. Nestled within a charming building, it unfolds like a labyrinth, each small room adding to its distinctive charm. What truly sets it apart is the rare gem of an outdoor terrace – a blissful rarity in India that I find incredibly delightful. This outdoor haven accommodates around thirty customers under whirring fans, desperately paddling through the warm air. Every detail is meticulously arranged, adorned with greenery and potted plants. To top it off, the service is exceptionally friendly and efficient. While the menu may not spring surprises, the food…

  • Texts,  Trips and countries

    Thiruvananthapuram- Napier Museum Road (Kathy – Guruvayur – Jan. 24)

    CHECK ALL PICTURES AND REELS ON INSTAGRAM (button on top) English version below Les plats sont disposés au centre de l’établissement, sur une grande table, dans ce Indian Coffee House qui se situe dans l’enceinte de l’université, de bureaux et de parkings où les voitures se superposent comme au Japon. Je n’avais jamais vu cela en Inde. C’est vrai qu’il y a, hélas, de plus en plus de véhicules individuels qui ne font qu’aggraver la pollution et la circulation chaotique. Donc, voilà joliment présentés de grands plats de riz, de subji, de poissons frits, de currys et de desserts pour les travailleurs, les étudiants et les familles qui viennent savourer…

  • Texts,  Trips and countries

    Krishnadas turns 60 ( Kathy – Chavakkad – 22 January 24)

    Version en français plus bas Krishnadas marks his 60th journey around the sun today, on January 22, 2024. In his own temporal realm, this momentous occasion aligns with the 22nd day of our familiar Gregorian calendar. The rich tapestry of Kerala unfolds, revealing its unique chronology, the “Kollam Era” or “Malayalam Era” കലണ്ടര, a cherished keeper of time for religious observances and local festivals. The Kollam Era embarks on its narrative from the year 825 of the Gregorian epoch, woven intricately with the mythical inception of the city of Kollam. Its cadence echoes the luni-solar rhythm akin to the Hindu calendar, choreographed by the celestial ballet of moon and sun.…

  • Texts,  Trips and countries

    Bon appétit! (Indian Food Explorer on You Tube – Jan. 24)

    Hey, let’s take a delicious journey to India and explore the flavorful kitchens of Indian Coffee Houses. I also invite you to check out the awesome You Tube channel, Indian Food Explorer! It’s incredibly tempting, colorful, and full of life! Viens je t’emmène faire un petit tour en Inde et dans les cuisines des Indian Coffee Houses. Je t’invite aussi à découvrir la super chaîne You Tube du Indian Food Explorer! C’est super alléchant, coloré et vivant!

  • Texts,  Trips and countries

    Thiruvananthapuram – KFC, Museum – (Kathy – Varkala – January 2024)

    Version en français plus bas Enter the realm of Indian Coffee Houses – each one a unique blend, yet all steered by the pulse of their own workforce! Visualize this snug spot, tucked in a green administrative hub near Trivandrum’s zoo. It’s not just a café; it’s a pocket-sized haven awash in natural light, where a few tables host the lively hum of neighboring office-goers. I dive into a conversation with a trio of young enthusiasts – aged 24, 25, and 26 – who spill the beans about bypassing Starbucks due to its slightly steep prices. Instead, they make this cozy nook a bi-weekly retreat, drawn in by its pocket-friendly…

  • Texts,  Trips and countries

    Thiruvananthapuram – Maveli – (Kathy – Varkala – January 2024)

    Version en français plus bas With Thiruvananthapuram, you break all records in Scrabble and treat yourself to a beautiful exercise in eloquence. The capital of Kerala boasts no fewer than fifteen Indian Coffee Houses! Is it due to the fact that Kerala is known for having a political history where the communist party played a significant role? Mathias Joseph, from Action Aid India, reminded me this morning that many ICHs are gathering places for political figures who meet there to debate and plan collective actions*. It’s true that these establishments are very affordable, and there is no pressure from management to vacate tables. I have personally experienced and observed this…

  • Food,  Texts,  Trips and countries

    Thiruvananthapuram – Intro ( Kathy – Varkala – January 2024)

    Version en français plus bas Trivandrum, the capital city of Kerala, is not only known for its rich cultural heritage and green avenues but also for its thriving coffee culture. The city boasts a myriad of Indian Coffee Houses, each serving as a hub for socialising, intellectual discussions, and of course, the aromatic pleasure of finely brewed coffee. Nestled amidst the bustling streets and serene corners of Trivandrum, these Indian Coffee Houses have become an integral part of the city’s social fabric. These establishments are not merely places to grab a cup of coffee but serve as cultural landmarks where locals and tourists alike gather to unwind, engage in conversations,…